Aerox is an innovative ball-rolling adventure for the iPhone, packed with plenty of platforming action and physics-based puzzles! Dynamic and varied gameplay mechanics are complemented by stunning visuals for a blissfully engaging mobile experience.


- 30 original levels.
- Wide variety of puzzles, traps and obstacles.
- Simple yet precise tilt controls.
- Global leaderboards support.
- Advanced engine technology (normal-mapped lighting, detailed shadowing, reflections, complex physics, etc)
- Enhanced effects for 3GS devices (realtime reflections, improved shadows, 60fps gameplay)

iPhone Screenshots

iPad Screenshots:

Gameplay Video:


AppAdvice: "Aerox is a must buy" - 4.5 out of 5 stars
AppSpy: "Aerox is definitely a title worth checking out" - 4 out of 5 stars
Brothersoft: Editor's Pick
KnowYourMobile: "..a very polished package that keeps its simple and addictive entertainment rolling from start to finish" - 4 out of 5 stars
TouchArcade: "If you're one of the many people who always loved the Super Monkey Ball games on consoles, but never could really get in to the iPhone and iPad iterations... Aerox is worth checking out"

  Aerox Aerox

Aerox is available for purchase now in the App Store!